- Be open to and provide for God’s plan and vision for the Presbytery of Geneva as part of the Body of Christ, through prayerfully implementing and generating strategies and policies for the future and recommending them to the presbytery.
- Monitor and evaluate the work of committees, ensuring accountability and implementation of the strategy and vision.
- Recommend to presbytery the annual operating budget in consultation with the Committee on Operations.
- Approve employee position descriptions as recommended by the Committee on Operations.
- Recommend nominees for membership on the Committee on Representation to the presbytery for approval.
- Review funding for mission grants recommended by the Committee on Mission and Witness and recommend to the presbytery.
- Function as a clearing house for concerns and opportunities by referring them to appropriate committees when possible.
- Support the connectional relationship between the Presbytery of Geneva, the Synod of the Northeast, and the PC (U.S.A.) General Assembly and promote positive ecumenical relationships.
- Promote the use of electronic meetings for presbytery committees in consideration of geography and to encourage participation in the ministry of the wider church.
Implement Presbytery meetings
- Determine the places and schedule of meetings for the presbytery and establish the docket.
- Determine processes for the deliberation of business items including General Assembly overtures and concurrences.
- Provide orientation tools for presbyters to better understand and participate in meetings.
- Incorporate practices to increase our awareness of God’s presence and voice in our midst.
- Make use of the gifts of leaders within the presbytery to create engaging worship at presbytery meetings.
Camp Whitman on Seneca Lake Operator
- Provide oversight of Camp Whitman in all corporate and strategic matters.
- Continue the intentional discernment and evaluation process to determine the future of Camp Whitman and how it supports the presbytery’s purpose.